Showing all 19 results

فیلتر براساس قیمت :

gaz %18 loghmei pistachio 250 grams of

110,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package is

Gaz %18 Pistachio flour 250 grams

110,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package is

Gaz %28 Pistachio flour 250 grams

150,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package is

Gaz %28 Pistachio loghmei 250 grams

150,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package is

Gaz %40 loghmei Pistachio400grams

275,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, mangosteen, astragalus, egg white, rose, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package

Gaz %40 flour Pistachio 400 g (round)

275,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, mangosteen, astragalus, egg white, rose, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package

Gaz %40 Pistachio flour 250 grams (round)

170,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, mangosteen, honey, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each

gaz %40 Pistachio loghmei 250 grams

170,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, mangosteen, honey, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water gaz Net weight of turmeric in

Gaz %44 flour pistachios

380,000 تومان
Contains milk thistle, mangosteen, kunar honey, rose, 44% pistachio kernels, egg white, sugar, rose, glucose, drinking water Net weight of

Gaz %44 loghmei Pistachio 400 grams

380,000 تومان
Contains milk thistle, mangosteen, kunar honey, rose, 44% pistachio kernels, egg white, sugar, rose, glucose, drinking water Net weight of

Gaz 18% Flour pistachios 400 grams

170,000 تومان
Contains 18% pistachio kernels, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package is

gaz 18% loghmei of pistachio 400 grams

170,000 تومان
Contains 18% pistachio kernels, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package is

Gaz 28% flour Pistachio 400 grams

225,000 تومان
Contains 28% pistachio kernels, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package is

Gaz 28% loghmei Pistachio 400 grams

225,000 تومان
Contains 28% pistachio kernels, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package is

Gaz 40% flour Almond 400 grams

220,000 تومان
Contains 40% almond kernels, mangosteen, honey, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each

Gaz 40% loghmei Almond 400 grams

220,000 تومان
Contains 40% almond kernels, mangosteen, honey, egg whites, rose water, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each

gaz 40% loghmei Saffron pistachio 400 g

285,000 تومان
Contains 40% pistachio kernels, saffron, honey, egg whites, rose, glucose, sugar, drinking water Net weight of gaz in each package

Gaz Sultan, special flour Angbyny 400 grams

480,000 تومان
Contains honey, mangosteen, milk thistle and honey and special pistachio kernels, egg white, rose, glucose, drinking water, No sugar Net

Gaz Sultan, special loghmei Angbyny , 400 grams

480,000 تومان
Contains honey, mangosteen, milk thistle and honey and special pistachio kernels, egg white, rose, glucose, drinking water, No sugar Net